On The Run + Life Update

9:40 PM

I'm so horrible at blogging here. Just been busy with work, family, friends and life. Here is a quick fast forward thru Insta life.

Top Left: Sweaty Bootcamp Classes every Tuesday and Thursday, new workout clothes, finished a Juice Ritual, box jumps for days, new shoes, fathers day, trail running, new hair color, best friends birthday, John Legend concert, Fourth of July and running the Narrows Bridge.

Confession: I'm still at this magical Plateau that i just love so much. It has everything to do with  food, not being activate enough, stress and lack of motivation. I made a goal in January to be in "Onder" land by the end of the year and I need to make it there. So i'm going to be a lot more active and doing small challenges that will help me get me to my big goal. Here is my first challenge... 

On The Run 22 Day Challenge! My life usually revolves around birthdays, holidays and special events and on June 30th I will be going to Beyonce and Jay-Z. Second time seeing both of them and i'm so excited! 
Via badboibilli.tumblr.com

What's the challenge? 2 miles a day for 22 days! 5 days a week running and 2 days of walking for a total of 44 miles.  Doesn't sound like much to some but for me putting the time in for these miles is gonna be hard! I'm also going to be doing it on top of my workouts. The other half of this challenge is nutrition. I will be back to eating like a true Glow Girl similar to my eating during Bikini Bootcamp.

With that I will be doing at least two blog posts up a week. One will be a re-cap of my On The Run Challenge and the other may have to do with workouts, tips, reviews and maybe even a Q&A. 

Look forward to this challenge and if anyone wants to join in let me know! 

For daily updates and workouts follow me on Instagram and Tumblr. 

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